Jena Taylor Bio

Jena Taylor earned her bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts with a specialization in studio art with a minor in Art History. She went on to receive her Bachelor of Art degree in Art Education. She became a well-known portrait painter in Texas with artist’s representatives in every major city and many mid-sized cities in Texas. She had the pleasure of meeting thousands of clients and led many to salvation, as well as the baptism of the Holy Spirit accompanied by a prophetic Word for them from the Lord. It was a type of “Marketplace Evangelism.”

Her clients included President George W. and Laura Bush, Agriculture Committee Chair for the US House of Representatives, Kika de la Garza (who was best known for starting the Food Bank Program) and Neil Patrick Harris.

One day she was cataclysmically apprehended by Holy Spirit in her studio and was sent by God in opposite direction from the wealthy to the local homeless shelter. Initially the she was completely appalled by the grime and filth of the place as well as the stench of unwashed bodies and vacant stares. Jena fell in love with the people.

She used her prophetic gifting for the guests off the street but noticed a far more serious need.  These dear people were sick, and lame, and blind and had no insurance card in their back pocket. They were desperate and had no options.

Jena began to pray for the sick, and shockingly they were being healed. As she became more confident and knowledgeable of the Kingdom principles of healing, she saw a marked increase in divine recovery. She became acquainted with hindrances to healing as well. Her book on this subject will be published in the fall of 2019 with 101 miraculous stories from her own experiences. It is her wish to encourage others to believe for their healing, as well as mobilize the church into action.