
Day 8 – The Seed- Paralyzed

A seed is an extraordinary thing. Within its tiny self is the blueprint to cause itself to sprout, grow and produce fruit. In the depths of the earth, with sunshine and water miraculous transformations take place. A farmer trusts the soil, rain and sun to work their miraculous dance together to help the seed along in its pursuit. He knows not to dig up the seed and check on it. He knows to trust the seed to do what it does best.

In much the same way the Word of God does what it does best when implanted in our spirit. In fact, Jesus said that the seed is the Word. When we receive the Word “with an honest and good heart and hold fast to it, we would bear fruit with perseverance. “In other words, we do not give up, and dig up the Word and see how it’s doing. Like the farmer trusts the seed to do what it was made to do, we as believers must trust the Word to do what it was intended to do.

A passage of assurance for me comes in Isaiah. “For as the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there without watering the earth, and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” When I choose to trust that one verse, I can remain confident of His promise to me.

I came face to face with this concept in Guest Chapel one day. Guest Chapel caters to the spiritual needs of those who live on the streets. After the message, I told the congregation if they needed prayer for anything at all we were available. We prayed for several people and off to lunch they went.

Finally, a man on a motorized scooter wheeled up. He was a bit slouched in his seat and his left wrist was held up to his chest by a shoestring tied around his neck. His left hand was clenched in a fist. His left leg was somewhat twisted and limp. His name was Mark. He had had a massive stroke, and his entire left side was paralyzed. Madison, a staff member laid her hands on his leg. I laid my hands on his arm and hand. We prayed for God’s healing power to renew this broken body. Quite frankly we saw no improvement. Mark motored to lunch.

Several weeks later the leader of the watchmen popped his head in my office and said,

” Got a minute? You are going to want to see this.”  

In stepped a gentleman I did not recognize. He looked familiar, but I could not place him; until I saw the shoestring holding up his wrist to his chest.

“You’re the fellow with the scooter!”

“Yep, that’s me.”

“Where is your scooter?”

“I don’t need it anymore. I can walk now.”

“My Gosh! What happened?”

“That night that ya’ll prayed for me, I was sitting there watching TV, when it felt like a hot firebrand was stabbed into my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack. The pain was so intense. I really thought I was going to die. Finally, the heat eased off, and I was worried by the whole thing. I was trying to recover from the pain, when I suddenly felt the need to go to the bathroom. Without thinking, I jumped up and walked to the bathroom. I was standing there  when I realized that I was standing without help and I that walked to the bathroom by myself! I thought, “What have I done?!’ I carefully walked back to my chair and realized that I could walk! Really walk!”

We all celebrated together at this astounding marvel. A miracle had truly taken place. God’s affection for His people is up close and personal. He showed Himself faithful to Mark that night. The seed of the prayers sprouted and began to grow. It bore much fruit for Mark.

As we celebrated, the Holy Spirit nudged me to pray for his arm again.

“Mark, if God healed your leg, He will heal your arm and hand. Let’s pray again.”

Mark told us he had broken his shoulder and it was not set. Indeed, there was a bone protruding under the skin, and his shoulder sagged. He was a mess.

Bill and I laid our hands on Mark’s arm and shoulder where the bone protruded and prayed again. Again, we saw no immediate results.

“Well, that didn’t work,” Mark remarked.

“Wait a minute, mister! You did not begin to walk immediately either. Don’t throw your seed away! Let it germinate and grow. You reap what you sow if you do not throw the seed away.”

Mark agreed with that and walked away.

That night I felt such a burden for Mark, and asked Jesus to heal his arm and shoulder.  All night I felt the need to keep praying for him.

The following morning, I was in Madison’s office telling her about Mark’s miracle, the lame really did walk. We both noticed movement at her door. Mark was standing there grinning.

“Watch this!” he exclaimed. He proceeded to move his paralyzed arm and shoulder all around. We literally leapt for joy for him. The seed had sprouted again and grown and produced another miracle. What a story of the power of the seed being the Word of God. The Word did not come back empty, without accomplishing what He desired; without succeeding in the matter for which He sent it. God’s tender mercy toward His least and littlest is extraordinary.

Mark 4:14-20

Matthew 15:29-31

Isaiah 55:10-13

Kingdom Principle: The Word of God is a seed. Given the proper voice and trust, it will germinate and grow into the supernatural miracle that it was sent out to accomplish.

“Holy Spirit, today, I choose to plant the seed of healing in my body. I will not dig up the seed or throw the seed away. I will water it and protect it. Will You brood over the seed and cause it to sprout and grow? Amen”

Try this:

Plant a packet of seeds in a small pot. Water it and place it in a sunny window. Speak the Scriptures above over it and yourself every day. This is a prophetic act. You nurture the earthly seed and let it do what it knows to do. In the same way nurture your spiritual seed and let it do what it knows to do.

Document your experience in this exercise:
